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public abstract class PlugInTab
extends PlugInView
PlugInTab provides the basic functionality to add a tabbed window into a Visual Cafe window such as Environment Options dialog box.

Constructor Index


Method Index

 o onCancel()
This method is called by the framework when the Cancel button in the options window is selected.
 o onHelp()
This method is called by the framework when the Help button in the options window is selected.
 o onOk()
This method is called by the framework when the OK button in the options window is selected.
 o setModified(boolean)
Set the dirty flag


 o PlugInTab
public PlugInTab()


 o onCancel
public void onCancel()
This method is called by the framework when the Cancel button in the options window is selected. A plug in view might perform any clean up at this point. The default implementation is empty.

 o onHelp
public void onHelp()
This method is called by the framework when the Help button in the options window is selected. A plug in view might open a help window at this point. The default implementation is empty.

 o onOk
public void onOk()
This method is called by the framework when the OK button in the options window is selected. A plug in view might save any data at this point. The default implementation is empty.

 o setModified
public void setModified(boolean flag)
Set the dirty flag

dirty - flag on/off

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